The 19th edition of the Great Los Angeles Walk returns on Saturday, November 23, 2024! (Always the Saturday before Thanksgiving.) Details to come.
To join in, just EMAIL US at or check out our Facebook page:

Make sure you're on the email list! And check back here for more details!

Monday, November 25, 2013

VIDEO: The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 in 14 Minutes

Thanks to Will Campbell for shooting all 18 miles of this year's Great Los Angeles Walk via his GoPro camera, strapped to his chest. Will's camera snapped a frame every two seconds -- totaling 12,790! He turned it into this 14 minute recap of our 7.5 hours of hiking. Watch and see if you can spot yourself or some of your favorite Sunset Boulevard highlights!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 Recap: 18 Miles Across Los Angeles In a Snap

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
The starting point: Echo Park Lake

I'm not sure there's ever been a better day for a walk.

And I think about 300 people could back me up on this. The 8th Annual GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK attracted a large crowd of first timers and veteran participants, all joining in to take Los Angeles on by foot. We hiked 18 miles from one statue to another: The "Lady of the Lake" in Echo Park to "Saint Monica" at the edge of Wilshire in Santa Monica.

In between, we walked up Sunset and down the Sunset Strip, before cutting through Beverly Hills (via Whittier Drive) to take Wilshire to the ocean.

It was the quickest walk ever -- to the surprise of everyone, including me. This was the second-longest GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK ever, and yet this is the earliest the bulk of the group made it to the ocean. (My theory: Perfect weather meant Walkers didn't have a reason to slow down. And with so many food options, including the relatively quick service at Carney's, our lunch break was shorter than usual.) We started in Echo Park at 9 a.m. but got to the ocean around 4:15, giving us time to enjoy the sunset (poetic to see the sunset after walking Sunset?) before walking back to Tinga Santa Monica for the after party.

The mild temperature was perfect. There was a nice mix of sun and cloud cover -- giving us some stunning views. And by the time we hit the ocean in Santa Monica, the skies were so clear that you could see Catalina Island in the distance.

Great Los Angeles Walk

"#glaw you were awesome!" tweeted @JessicaVeggie. Wrote @yourfriendszn on Twitter: "I loved meeting strangers on 17mi trek through LA." A few more comments from the Great Los Angeles Walk event page on Facebook:

Sarah Emery Bunn: "THANK YOU for leading the walk and getting us all organized. Not just an example of pedestrian power and truly getting down to see the city you live in, but also a great community building event. I had so much fun talking and walking with the other participants, and explaining to confused passers by about what we were doing! Can't wait for next year."

Todd Pelkey: "Loved this year's route. Lots of variety. And why were we all able to do the 18 miles so quickly?!"

Manuel Montano: "It was my first walk. I heard about it the Friday before on Facebook. I was still undecided until Saturday morning about 8 am. "I'm doing it" and I headed to Echo Park. Awesome walk. I'm doing it again next year and bringing my family. Thank you Michael."
Thank YOU, Manuel, and thank all of you for joining in!

Along the way, this year's Walk centered on Sunset, where Walk-ers walked by Tiki-Ti, the KTLA/Sunset-Bronson and Sunset Gower Studios; the Hollywood Palladium, Cinerama Dome and Hollywood Athletic Club; and Hollywood High School. A bunch of us also walked around the Crossroads of the World, considered the world's first shopping plaza. Then came the Sunset Strip, home to the Chateau Marmont, the Comedy Store, the Viper Room, Whisky A Go Go, Roxy Theatre, Rainbow Bar & Grill and and so much more.

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013

Thanks to Big Parade LA founder Dan Koeppel (above) for helping us kick off the Walk with a talk about the power of the pedestrian. Then at 9:15, we were off! Later, many of us enjoyed lunch at Carney's in West Hollywood, which offered Walkers 20% off their meals. Here are some pics from the day:

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
And we're off!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Looks like the Imagine Dragons singer is serenading our Walkers. Hey, that's "Radioactive"!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Walking up Sunset in Echo Park

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Chickens, cats and ninjas, oh my!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Los Angeles!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Griffin spotting

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Happy/Sad Foot

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
As usual, we confused several people throughout the day. particularly when we hiked past sidewalk diners

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Hey Great LA Walkers, TEN HUT!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
The Elliott Smith tribute mural

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Oh, Madea, you so crazy!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Talking to KCBS/KCAL on the Walk. 'Cause that's how I do!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Self-Realization Fellowship

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Sidewalk closed? Boo, future Target. Boo.

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Emerson College's new Hollywood campus is shaping up to be quite the unusual, fascinating building

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Old American Express sign

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Columbia Square, gutted

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Hollywood Palladium

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Crossroads of the World

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
"I Want YOU to Have a Dream!"

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Rock Walk

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
A Great LA Walk mantra? Stop! Car!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Carney's on the Sunset Strip

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Inside Carney's for lunch

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Skeletor? Is that you?

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Still miss you, Tower Records!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Bonnie and Clyde are not fans of the Great Los Angeles Walk.

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Star Maps Here

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Oh, crap, what did we do now, TMZ?

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
They're growing Santa Claus-es in Beverly Hills!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
"In lieu of us providing health care to employees, we just ask you not to hit then with your car."

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Does that include blisters?

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Save the Wadsworth Chapel! (read about its problems here).

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Sunset begins, at the end of our day on Sunset!

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Saint Monica

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
Some of the Walkers, at the end

Great Los Angeles Walk 2013
And more Walkers at the end!

Read most of the Tweets from the day -- at least the ones with the #glaw hashtag -- here!

Post your Great Los Angeles Walk photos to our Flickr stream here.

Still want a t-shirt as a souvenir? They're available here:

Save the date for next year -- Saturday, November 22, 2014. If you're looking to do more urban hikes before then, make sure you check out the regular epic walks that Big Parade LA puts together.

Here are some links to other recaps of this year's Great Los Angeles Walk. Send us your links!

The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 Flickr Pool

Pedestrian Photographer: Walking (Half Of) The Great Los Angeles Walk

Ron's Log: Great LA Walk 2013

Dan Gutierez: The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013

Stairwalking in L.A.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Great Los Angeles Walk on TV: Friday's KCAL-TV Interview

I was over at KCAL-TV this afternoon chatting up the GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK 2013 on KCAL's noon newscast! Check it out!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

DOWNLOAD: The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 Route Handout (PDF)

Save some paper and download this PDF for the Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 Route to your smartphone. With clickable links!

The Great Los Angeles Walk's Lunch Special: 20% Off at Carney's


Carney's -- "probably the best hot dogs and hamburgers in the world" -- has joined us as a partner for Saturday's GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK. All participants will get 20% off their lunch!

Of course, there are several eating options on the Sunset Strip, and on Saturday we'll be passing out a list of the more casual, economical options.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Media on The Great Los Angeles Walk: "Camaraderie, Fresh Air and Close-Up Experiences"

Great LA Walk

Thanks to NBC LA and Alysia Gray Painter for writing another great piece on this year's Great Los Angeles Walk. Check it out here. An excerpt:

It's free -- of course -- and you can join anywhere along the route -- of course -- and the Great Los Angeles Walk "is not a race" -- nope. It is, however, about camaraderie, fresh air, close-up experiences (vs. things seen through the blur of your windshield), and a deeper connection to an oft-driven slice of our city.

And exercise, too. The walk does happen five days ahead of the afternoon we're all likely to consume a little too much stuffing and gravy.

You can RSVP, because that's nice, to Mr. Schneider, who is nice, just so he can keep a count, which is helpful, but not RSVPing doesn't mean you can't wake up on Nov. 23 and decide to join.

So here's another thing you tell someone considering a permanent move to LA: Clear the Saturday before Thanksgiving for a mega walk to the ocean. There's no better way than to get acquainted with a particular street and a whole bunch of adventuring Angelenos.

Meanwhile, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky's blog and writer David Colgan also put together a great piece on the Walk. Read it here. An excerpt:

When it comes to challenging our car culture, massive events like CicLAvia, with its 100,000-plus cyclists, send a loud message about the growing momentum and demand for alternative transportation. But before there was CicLAvia, there was the more modest—but equally committed—Great Los Angeles Walk, which has been putting one foot after the next on L.A.’s most famous streets for the past 8 years.

Michael Schneider has organized the walks since 2006, when about 30 to 40 brave souls met to tackle all 16 miles of Wilshire Boulevard. Walkers now number around 300 each year.

“It always sounds daunting to people who haven’t done it before,” Schneider said. “But it’s not a race. It’s about taking your time and exploring. I come back with hundreds of photos of things that you normally miss.”
See you Saturday!

Monday, November 18, 2013

This Year's Great Los Angeles Walk After Party: Tinga Santa Monica


Santa Monica's Tinga restaurant has signed on as the venue for this year's Great Los Angeles Walk! It looks to be a great space to relax and enjoy some food and beverages at the end of the day.

We'll be celebrating between approximately 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. -- although some folks may get there earlier, and I'm sure some folks will stick around after that!


Tinga Santa Monica
522 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica Ca 90401

Weather Forecast: Looking Good for Saturday

I don't want to jinx it, but it's looking pretty good for Saturday! Not too hot, not too cold, and so far no talk of rain.

So far. Remember, the Great Los Angeles Walk happens rain or shine! We've walked through sprinkles and rain before, and have come out just fine. There was one year where the rain even cooperated and stopped by the time we headed out.

But let's stop that talk right now. So far, it's looking great for Saturday. (Remember though: As we walk toward the ocean and as the sun sets, it starts to get chilly -- so bring a sweatshirt or jacket in your backpack just in case!)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyWalk

"Why are you doing this?" "Who's coming?" "Can I bring my kids? Will you drive me home?"

Here it is, the unofficial Frequently Asked Questions roundup for the GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK 2013!

(Pic by

1. WHEN/WHERE? Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013 -- the Saturday before Thanksgiving, like we do every year. We're meeting at the LADY OF THE LAKE statue (see above) at Echo Park Lake. Get there early to enjoy some breakfast and coffee at Square One at the Boathouse! By 8:45 we'll gather for a pep talk, some info about the day and perhaps a surprise speaker. (Suprise speaker TBD.) Then, we're off, straight at 9 am!

2. WHO? We're expecting 300 or so urban hikers this year. We're taking RSVPs at greatlawalk(at)mail(dot)com (yes, "mail," not "gmail") and on Facebook, but RSVPs are not necessary. We'll take anyone who shows up too!

3. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? C'mon, it's completely free! But you're on your own when it comes to lunch, dinner, water, etc. So don't forget to plan accordingly.

4. WHAT'S THE PATH? From Echo Park Lake, we make our way up to Sunset Boulevard. We take Sunset all the way through Echo Park, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, East Hollywood, Hollywood, West Hollywood (including the Sunset Strip) and Beverly Hills. At the edge of Beverly Hills we take Whittier Drive down to Wilshire Boulevard -- and then take Wilshire to the end, where we'll see another statue, for Santa Monica herself:

5. WHAT IF I CAN'T GET THERE THAT EARLY, OR DON'T WANT TO START THAT FAR EAST? Just wait for us somewhere on the path and join in once we pass by. Several hikers will be Twittering as well -- including us, at @greatlawalk. Check one of those Twitter accounts to figure out where we are.

6. HOW LONG IS THE HIKE? 17-18 miles. IMPORTANT: This is not a race. Sure, you can sprint all the way to the end, but where's the fun in that? There's no prize for who gets there first. Instead, take a breath, and join the bulk of us as we leisurely stroll toward the ocean and stop frequently to take in the sights.

7. WHEN WILL WE GET TO THE END? With so many hikers, people will eventually start to space out. Impatient, faster walkers might get there soon after lunch. But the bulk of the walkers will get there around 5.

8. CAN WE BIKE IT? BRING KIDS? PETS? Because you're walking on your own accord -- remember, this is an unofficial gathering of passionate Angelenos walking the streets of their favorite city -- you can do whatever you want. Use your best judgement, of course. We're not responsible for you.

9. WHAT ABOUT INJURIES? Again, there is no infrastructure to our Walk, so you need to take care of yourself just like you would whenever you walk anywhere. Be careful, stay safe and stick with a group of walkers!

10. WHAT ABOUT LUNCH? We'll be taking a lunch break -- probably around an hour or so -- around the halfway point, on the Sunset Strip. Carney's Hot Dogs and Hamburgers -- you know, the train on Sunset -- is offering all Walk participants 20% off their meal. But there are many other options on the Strip -- we'll be passing out a list!

11. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE WALK IS DONE? We'll take group photos at the ocean... and then celebrate at TINGA SANTA MONICA from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.!

12. HOW DO I GET THERE, OR GET HOME? Either plan with a friend and get to Santa Monica early morning, parking one car, then carpool to Echo Park Lake (where you'll park the other car). OR: Park at Echo Park Lake, walk to Santa Monica, then eventually take Metro back to Echo Park. OR: Park at Santa Monica at 7 a.m., allowing yourself enough time to board a Metro bus to Echo Park Lake. Traffic's light that time of morning, so the bus ride is relatively quick. And that way, when you arrive in Santa Monica, your car is waiting for you.

BUSES: Visit Metro ( for details. But here's a thumbnail:

The last Big Blue Rapid 10 bus ( leaves Santa Monica for downtown at around 7pm. It's the return from downtown that's at around 8pm; you'll have to then take a local bus back to Echo Park. But if you're going to stick around the Afterparty beyond 7 after the walk, your choices are the 704 (or the local 4, both via Santa Monica/Sunset).

13. WHAT SHOULD I WEAR/BRING? Loose, comfy clothing. I'd wear shorts, a t-shirt (and perhaps a sweatshirt, depending on the temperature) and bring a jacket -- it gets chilly at the beach in the evening. Also, tennis shoes... sunglasses... a hat... sunscreen... extra socks... a blister kit (optional, of course -- I haven't brought one, although Band-Aids  are a good idea)... and most importantly, a camera! We'll all be documenting it and posting pics later.

14. HOW CAN I GET A T-SHIRT? We've just posted a bunch of T-shirts for sale at and Zazzle: The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 T-Shirt. But order fast, it may be too late to get the shirts in time for the Walk.

15. HOW SHOULD I TRAIN FOR THIS? It's not a marathon, so training isn't really necessary. I suppose you should walk around your neighborhood in the days before hand... but I'd avoid any big gym routine the day before, so you're not sore the day you're hiking. But other than that... I didn't train at all for any of the previous seven walks, and have turned out just fine.

16. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Why not? There's no special reason, no charity, no protest, no issue we're promoting -- other than a passion for Los Angeles. In 2006, I organized our walk down Wilshire to mark my 10th anniversary in Los Angeles. But it was so much fun, and it was a chance to meet so many new people, that we did it again in 2007, down Pico; in 2008, via Sunset and Santa Monica Blvd.; and in 2009, we hit West Adams as we walked down Adams and Washington to Venice Beach. In 2010, we returned to Wilshire for the fifth walk; in 2011, we hit Hollywood; and in 2012, it was Melrose's turn. This year, it's all about Sunset Boulevard.

It's the Saturday before Thanksgiving as well, so somehow I don't feel as bad gorging on sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie a few days later. And hey, it'll be a cool conversation piece at your holiday party.
17. CAN I SEND IN PHOTOS? READ A RECAP LATER? Of course! We'll have an official GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK 2013 page on Flickr for you to upload your pics. And come back here the Monday after the Walk to read a full recap! Send us links to your own recaps, YouTube videos, etc.

18. IMPORTANT: You are walking on your own volition. The Great Los Angeles Walk is just a casual opportunity to walk with other Angelenos through the city. It's not an official organization of any sort -- and is therefore not responsible for your conduct or anything that may happen during your hike. Be careful, and be respectful of others and of your city.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Official GREAT LOS ANGELES WALK 2013 Press Release


LOS ANGELES (Nov. 11, 2013) -- Hundreds of Angelenos will hit the sidewalks this November 23 for The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 – the annual event that dispels the myth that “nobody walks in L.A.”

This year, for the eighth edition, the Great Los Angeles Walk ( will center around one of Los Angeles' most famous streets, Sunset Boulevard.

Participants will meet at Echo Park Lake's "Lady of the Lake" statue at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 23, and proceed to walk approximately 17.8 miles (at a casual, all-day pace) to the ocean, mostly via Sunset Boulevard and the famed Sunset Strip.

The Walk will follow Sunset Blvd. to Whittier Drive (at the edge of Beverly Hills), then Wilshire Boulevard to the ocean. Walkers will pass through a diverse cross-section of the region, starting with the newly rehabilitated Echo Park Lake, flowing into neighborhoods including Echo Park, Silver Lake, Los Feliz and Hollywood. Then comes West Hollywood and the legendary Sunset Strip, followed by Beverly Hills, Westwood, West L.A. and Santa Monica.

The Great Los Angeles Walk will also include a lunch on the Sunset Strip and conclude with an after party in Santa Monica, both at locations to be announced later.

L.A. journalist and blogger Michael Schneider launched the Great Los Angeles Walk in 2006 as a way to celebrate his tenth year in Los Angeles. Inspired by the book “Wilshire Boulevard: Grand Concourse of Los Angeles,” by Kevin Roderick (with research by J. Eric Lynxwiler), he decided to walk the street’s entire length.

In 2007, for an encore, he chose another downtown-to-the-ocean route: Pico Boulevard. The 2008 Walk took on Santa Monica Blvd. In 2009, the event kicked off in the historic West Adams district and walked to Venice Beach via Adams and Washington. In 2010, for its fifth edition, the Great Los Angeles Walk reprised its original Wilshire journey. In 2011, more than 250 Walk participants marched to the ocean via Hollywood Boulevard. And in 2012, the Walk traveled across Melrose Avenue.

The Great Los Angeles Walk grew from dozens of participants to hundreds, and continues to expand each year as more Angelenos join in to explore their city on foot.

As always, the Walk is completely free. It is up to the participants to decide how much or how little of the walk they want to do. The Great Los Angeles Walk has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, the L.A. Weekly, KABC-Channel 7, and In 2012, the LA Weekly recognized The Great Los Angeles Walk in its "Best of L.A." issue.


Monday, November 4, 2013

The Great Los Angeles Walk 2013 T-Shirts Are On Sale Now! (UPDATED)

Get your shirt now in order for it to arrive before this year's Walk! Wear it proudly on November 23 -- and show everyone that, yep, you spent all day walking down Sunset Boulevard! Click above for the Zazzle T-shirts... or, for a more economical choice, we've just posted t-shirts at Spreadshirt, which are a few bucks cheaper. Go here: