The 19th edition of the Great Los Angeles Walk returns on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 9 a.m.! (Always the Saturday before Thanksgiving.) Details below.
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Friday, November 13, 2020

NBC Los Angeles Touts This Year's Socially Distanced Great Los Angeles Walk

Thanks as always to writer Alysia Gray Painter for sharing details about the Great Los Angeles Walk for KNBC/NBC4's website! Check out this year's writeup here. An excerpt:
Does your Thanksgiving to-do list seems at its most sizable a few days before the eating-oriented occasion?

Do you spend the Saturday prior to the celebration stocking up on stuffing, and turkey, and tofurkey, and then even more stuffing, because some family members like it cooked inside the turkey and some do not?

It's a day that seems to be especially frenetic for many people, especially if they're the ones who will be in the kitchen on the fourth Thursday in November.

There's a remedy for the hectic-est day of the food-prep year, and it involves walking, like, a lot, down a major Los Angeles thoroughfare.

Many city explorers have been doing just that over the last 15 years, thanks to The Great Los Angeles Walk.
We'll see you socially distanced, next Saturday!

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